Congratulations! Teagan Soderholm has won a $25,000 college scholarship through the Horatio Alger Association. She is in a distinguished group of 105 high school juniors. Learn more about the scholarship at
about 9 hours ago, WP Communications
Teagan Soderholm wins a $25,000 scholarship
Congratulations! In total, 14 West Point High School seniors earned the Associate of Arts and Sciences (AA&S) Transfer Degree and 2 earned the Uniform Certificate of General Studies (USGS) from Rappahannock Community College. We are very proud of your accomplishments!
about 9 hours ago, WP Communications
WPPS RCC Graduates
WPPS RCC Graduates
Preschoolers had a blast at Field Day! They enjoyed the playground, bubbles, exciting activities, and popsicles. What better way to end their first year of school?
about 10 hours ago, WP Communications
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
WPES preschool field day
We’re celebrating National Speech Pathologist Day! We want to take a moment to say thank you to the speech language pathologists who provide one-on-one support to our students and help them thrive. We appreciate all you do! 🌟
1 day ago, Arletha Dockery
Happy National Speech Pathologist Day!
There may only be a little time left in the school year, but attendance is just as important as ever! If you’re feeling well, you should be here, ready to learn. Families, please continue to contact your child’s school office if you need support with attendance. We’re here to help!
4 days ago, Arletha Dockery
You should be here.
As we begin reflecting on the school year, we want to hear from our Pointer community! Over the past school year, West Point Public Schools has introduced new strategic priorities aimed at enhancing educational outcomes for all students. Now, we're seeking your feedback through our end-of-year survey to assess our progress and guide future actions. Your insights are crucial in shaping our community’s future. Participate here:
4 days ago, WP Communications
WPPS Survey
During National Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to remind our students of the importance of caring for one’s mental and emotional health. 💚 It’s OK not to feel OK—and we should all feel comfortable seeking support. Remember, our school counselors are here for you!
5 days ago, Arletha Dockery
Mental Health Awareness Month
College Planning Event is tomorrow, May 14th at 6pm! We are looking forward to seeing you! See the flyer for more details.
6 days ago, WP Communications
College planning event
To all the amazing moms out there: Happy Mother’s Day! We hope you enjoy your day!
7 days ago, WP Communications
Happy Mother's Day!
We wish a Happy National School Nurse Day to the healthcare professionals who assist our students and promote overall health and wellness in our schools each day! 🩺 A special thank you goes out to Melinda Koris at WPES and Connie South at WPMS/HS. We appreciate all you do!
11 days ago, WP Communications
Happy National School Nurse Day!
The 2024 AP Exams will be administered in schools nationwide over two weeks in May: May 6–10 and May 13–17. Our Pointers completed the first test this morning! Way to go Pointers!
13 days ago, WP Communications
AP Exam Day!
Regular school attendance is key to student success. When students are present in class, they engage with their peers, participate in discussions, and benefit from valuable instruction. If you need assistance, please contact us. We’re always here to help! 🤝
12 days ago, WP Communications
School Attendance is the key to student success.
We’re celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week in WPPS! 💫 Our educators display incredible passion, skill, and dedication as they prepare our students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Be sure to thank a teacher this week!
12 days ago, WP Communications
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
School Lunch Heroes, today is for you! Thank you for serving up smiles along with healthy meals. Your impact extends far beyond the cafeteria. We appreciate all you do for our school community!
17 days ago, WP Communications
School Lunch Hero Day!
Mrs. Gowers' first grade class finished their estimation/magnitude unit with estimating the number of fruit loops in a bag! Students made an estimation and then verified their estimations. They also sorted their fruit loops by color to make 10 frames. However, they said the best part was being able to eat the fruit loops!
16 days ago, WP Communications
WPES estimation/magnitude
WPES estimation/magnitude
WPES estimation/magnitude
WPES estimation and magnitude
WPES restimation/magnitude
Join us in celebrating School Principals' Day by thanking the individuals who lead our learning communities with strength and compassion: ⭐ Laurel Byrd, Middle/High School Principal ⭐ Kristy Britt, Elementary School Principal Thank you for making WP schools inspiring, safe, and welcoming places for our students, staff, and families!
19 days ago, WP Communications
National School Principals' Day!
As we approach the end of the school year, attendance matters as much as ever. Students who are in class are learning, growing, and developing alongside their peers. Let’s work together to make sure our students are in class so they can make every day count and finish the year strong!
20 days ago, WP Communications
Attend Class and Finish the Year Strong!
Attention Kindergarten parents! We are still accepting Kindergarten registrations for the 2024-2025 school year! See the flyer for more information!
19 days ago, WP Communications
WPES kindergarten flyer
Being present in class is about more than just attendance—it means being ready to explore, learn, and grow. When students attend school daily, they are engaged and on a path to unlocking their full potential. Attendance matters, so let’s finish out the school year strong!
23 days ago, WP Communications
Attendance Matters!
It’s National Public School Volunteer Week! This week, we celebrate their precious gifts of time, energy, and compassion. Your dedication to our students and schools is deeply appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!
24 days ago, WP Communications
Happy National Public School Volunteer Week!