West Point School Board Members
School Board Meeting Information
West Point School Board meetings are held in the Board Room of the School Board Office located at 329 6th Street, West Point, VA 23181, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
However, the schedule is subject to change; therefore, please see the division calendar for the most current meeting schedule.
Mission And Vision Statements
MISSION: We engage all students in robust preparation for a life of continuous learning as productive citizens.
VISION: We are creating a bridge to opportunity that empowers our students to maximize their potential to achieve academically, grow personally and contribute positively to their community.
Our Values: Relationships, Innovation, Student-Centered, Excellence
Our Goals: Teaching & Learning, Student & Staff Wellbeing, and Resources & Support
School Board Advisory Committees
Advisory committees established by the West Point School Board are one way that community members connect with their local schools. Advisory committee members are approved by the School Board and work closely with division leadership to keep West Point Public Schools “Pointed in the Right Direction” towards Excellence, Relationships, and Innovation.
For more information about specific committees, please review the list below.
Planning Council – This committee is made up of parents, teachers, administrators, and community members. The focus of this committee is to help guide the division level leadership with decision-making and providing input on a variety of topics.
Special Education Committee – The Special Education Committee consists of teachers, parents, and students that ensure there is intentional and purposeful planning to address each student's needs in special education.
CTE Advisory – This advisory committee is made up of teachers, business members, and community leaders. The committee is focused on the preparation of students to be successful global citizens in the 21st century.
Gifted Advisory – An advisory committee of teachers, administrators, parents and students that focuses on the instructional programs and services provided for gifted students. This advisory committee provides input on the inclusion of enrichment opportunities for identified students.
Federal Programs Advisory Committees- Title I, Title II, Title IV - The work of the Federal Programs Advisory Committees (Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV) centers around improving student achievement through fair, equitable, and high-quality education and closing achievement gaps (Title I); improving the quality and effectiveness of educators (Title II); Language instruction for English Learners & immigrants (Title III); and strengthening the comprehensive needs of students, improving family engagement and bringing schools into the 21st century (Title IV).
Health and Safety Committee – This committee is a group of teachers, coaches, nurses, law enforcement, community members and administrators that focus on various aspects of health and safety. This group works to make sure the connections among students and the connections with staff and community support a safe and healthy environment.
Division Goals
Goal 1: Teaching & Learning
Deepen student learning through engaging curriculum and instruction focused on real-world connections and experiences that prepare all students for future success.
Goal 2: Student & Staff Wellbeing
To promote and nurture a culture of safety, security, and overall wellness for students, staff, families, and the West Point Community.
Goal 3: Resources & Support
Engage staff and stakeholders in the process of providing efficient, transparent stewardship of human, fiscal, and capital resources.